My product isn't showing on my store

There can be a few reasons why your customised products may not appear.

For Merchr Hosted Stores:

Products that you publish to your store can sometimes take a few days to appear.

You can check the status of all the products you've created on the "My Products" page.

If your order still says "queued" then it's waiting to be pushed onto your store. Check back in a few days and refresh the My Products page to see the latest status.

If it says "published", but you can't yet see it on your website, try refreshing your store/website. You could also try clearing your cache by holding the Shift key, and then pressing the browser's Refresh icon.

If your product still doesn't show up, contact us via one of our support channels and we can look into this for you.

For Shopify Stores:

Products created on the Merchr Hub should usually publish to Shopify in a matter of seconds.

If you notice a product on your Shopify store which is stuck with the status of "Publish in progress":

  1. Click the "Sync logs" button to open the status sidebar

  2. If there is a Sync issue (e.g. "Invalid API key"), most issues can be solved by uninstalling and re-installing our Shopify app. Your settings will still be preserved however your products will need to be re-added.