Can I add Merchr products to my Etsy store?

Currently Merchr does not offer direct automatic integration with Etsy.

We understand that Etsy is a leading eCommerce site centred around handmade, vintage, or customised products and is an excellent platform for finding new and recurring customers. While we don't have an automatic integration with Etsy at this time, we are working on developing an integration so you can sell your Merchr products directly through Etsy.

In the meantime, we have two workarounds which allow you to use Merchr's print-on-demand and shipping services.


If you are using WooCommerce or a Store Package

Firstly, you could install a third-party Wordpress plugin which connects Etsy to WooCommerce. This would then allow you to push products from Merchr to WooCommerce and then on to Etsy. As long as the orders come back in to WooCommerce, these will be synced back into the Merchr Hub.

The other option is to price your products on Etsy at a higher price point and then place any Etsy orders yourself on a password-protected Merchr website. Only you would have access to purchase these low-priced Merchr products on your password-protected site. Merchr would still manufacture, print, and ship the products to your paying customers.