Charging VAT or other taxes

Charging tax depends on your business status.

If your business is VAT registered, then you must pay VAT on your sales. You will pay it to the corresponding authority within the country you're registered.

Each individual or entities circumstances will be different, so the best option is to consult an accountant or financial professional to check what you need to do to comply with the applicable law.


Taxes on Product Costs (if using a plugin on an external store)

Merchr product costs include VAT. If you are a business and wish to claim this back, get in touch with us and we can issue VAT invoices for you to include in your records.

Taxes on Profit Payouts (if using a Merchr Webstore)

Profit payouts are paid exclusive of tax however if you wish to claim the VAT from us in order to pay the relevant authority, you can send us an invoice for the profit amount with VAT added.


ClickASnap Stores

If you are using a store linked through ClickASnap which is based outside of the United Kingdom, the UK VAT element related products will be removed upon product creation.