Choosing prices to sell merch

How much control do I have over my prices? Are there any profit requirements when using Merchr?

You have complete control over your pricing strategy on Merchr. Merchr imposes no pricing requirements or rules. You can set your prices however you want, making as much or as little profit as you'd like, by adjusting the profit margin.

Ideally, it's over the minimum price that will cover the cost of production plus the Merchr fees (Product Cost price) and we of course encourage you to add a little something for yourself. There is no limit, you know your customers best and can judge what they will want to pay!

You should also factor in shipping charges - depending on which selling method your store is using (i.e. an integration or a hosted package), you can choose to pass this on to your customer or absorb it into the product pricing.

If you're setting up a Merchr store for your friends to order something free for a special occasion, then you can just set the price to £0.00 and you will then just be paying us for the Product Cost when your friends place an order!