How much does shipping cost?

To keep things simple, we apply a standard shipping charge to each order.

Standard Shipping: £4.95

The fee will be charged once per order, rather than per item.


Dealing with shipping on a Merchr Store Package

If you have created your web store using the Merchr Store Package, this charge by default is set to be passed on to your customers. If you want to change this to offer free shipping (and instead price your products to include shipping), just let us know and we can make the changes.


Dealing with shipping on a WooCommerce or Shopify integration

Merchr will charge a shipping fee to your payment method every time an order is placed.

This means when setting up products, it's important you also decide how you wish to handle shipping when customers buy your merch. There are two ways to deal with this:

  1. Offer free shipping: Set your product prices accordingly so that your revenue covers the cost of shipping when someone buys an item.

  2. Pass on the shipping fee to your customers: Set up the shipping charges on your e-commerce store so that when your customer checks out, they will pay for shipping. If using this method, you don't necessarily have to pass on the full cost, provided you have accounted for that within your product pricing.

Shipping fees are subject to change from time to time as the charges from our shipping providers vary.