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  2. Websites & Integrations

Starting without your own website

Merchr can help you set up your first website if you're just starting with eCommerce and print-on-demand.

When first trying to set up an eCommerce store, it can be overwhelming, but don't worry, Merchr has that covered. We provide a ready-to-go website with print-on-demand capability.

Creating your store

  1. In the hub, navigate to Stores

  2. Click New Store

  3. Choose Merchr Hosted Store Package

  4. Fill in the details and click Publish

  5. Your store will be created in the next 2 minutes, and in the meantime you can start designing!

The stores we provide are already integrated with the Merchr Hub, so you can easily design merch on the Hub and push it directly to your store without any additional setup.